Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Who's that baby?

I didn't realise that yesterday's blip was my 300th!!

Today was much better than yesterday, hooray! I rang work and they don't seem to think my holiday will be an issue, I've re-thought the nursery trial times and dates and feeling much more comfortable with them now and little man had his morning nap in his cot! Ok so it was only for 20 minutes but it's a start.

Nana & Pops came over and whilst us girlies (and A) went for a spot of shopping Pops fixed the washing line and the Wendy house roof. We all then met up again for lunch at the local pub. Little man was excellent sitting in the highchair and ate all his lunch. P however got a bit bored halfway through and thought it would be fun to crawl backwards and forwards under her chair......

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