Keith B

By keibr

Another stormy sky

After all those weeks when basically it was sunny with blue skies the weather gods seem to be making up for lost time with impressive clouds and skyscapes every day.
Thunder rolled around all day today but the storms seemed very local so mostly they rolled past without delivering any rain.
I like the detail you can see in the forest beyond the fields. There are a lot of colours in those trees as autumn draws nearer, and if you view the photo on large you can see a lot of trees felled by the storm last December.
I worked most of the day from home which is much more efficient than actually being at work. None of the teachers I helped were in Härnösand so it all would have been done via computer and telephone anyway. This way I could do some work, then some flexibility training exercises, then more work, then Tai Chi, then more work.
The only thing I missed was breakfast, or was that breakfast I ate at lunchtime? If it was then I missed lunch.

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