Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Birthday Girl!!

It's been a wonderfully joyful day today as we are celebrating CCN's birthday. We both love celebrating birthdays and I was so happy that my Secret Women's Business that I undertook a couple of days ago hit the bullseye.

We decided to go to our favourite little cafe in Wentworth Falls and a huge bonus was to meet our good friend Sue for lunch. Sue was on her way west and it was just by chance that we found out this morning that she would be travelling through the mountains at the same time as we had planned to have lunch.

Sue's been a great friend of mine and CCN's for many, many years and it's always so good to catch up, even if it's only for a brief time. Just love the magnificent roses that arrived at the same time. In case you're not sure, CCN's the one wearing the glasses!!

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