The Economy

Great morning walk on the misty hill, the birds were singing away but the dawn did not appear it just got a lighter grey.

Met an old climbing pal and his dog so we walked and chatted for a while, nice catching up.

Popped over to the allotment this morning, the garlic is showing. One variety has shot up the others are just poking through the earth. Thought this was topical as 1 mile along the road the French were going to beat the Scots at rugby. Maybe it was an omen as there was no thistles showing today.

Juno had rolled in some smelly stuff so took her out to get her washed in the braid burn, easy really just through sticks in the deeper water and she was soaked through. Smells much nicer now.

Watched the rugby, the Scots need a decision making workshop and play inform players.

Committee meeting tonight for the club football team, I am exhausted, off to bed.

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