
By JanPatienceArt

Lest We Forget

I've written about an exhibition called In Honour's Cause for this Saturday's Herald.
It's been on at St Mungo's Museum of Religious Life and Art in Glasgow for over a month now but got lost in among all the Commonwealth Games/Culture2014 and Edinburgh Festival hoo-ha.
(Like most arts journos I've had press releases raining into my inbox now for months relating to both festivals!)
The premise of the exhibition is simple. Two photographers, Jim Dunn and Enzo di Cosmo, who work for Glasgow Museums, have rooted out war memorials relating to World War One in and around Glasgow.
It's a very moving exhibition.
I always used to be fascinated by war memorials when I was growing up. I'd sit in church and imagine what the lives of the dead men listed on the plaques beside the pulpit would've been like - before they died and if they hadn't died.
And every November, as a Brownie and as a Guide, we'd march to the war memorial in Kilmaurs in the freezing cold (no coats allowed) and stand in front of a stone soldier with his head bowed.
Many of the older men in the crowd had fought in the Second World War.
This war memorial is at Bearsden Cross. I drive past it often but today I had a closer look at the names inscribed below - and there are many.

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