Jeannette's Journal

By jeannette1968


Went to the gas pump to fill up my car. Got to start my new job tomorrow! On my way to the gas pump I saw this cormorant sitting on a lamppost. He posed quit well. So I enjoyed getting this photograph.
I also came along a man-made breedingplace for swallows. Since the houses are being well built swallows are having a hard time finding nestingplaces. So this is kind of a solution.
Just when I almost got home I saw this crow by a ditch. Could not resist getting a pic of him (or her) too.
Since it's very cold today I don't think I will get out more. The wind is coming from the east so it's feeling even much colder than the minus 3.4 degrees Celsius on my thermometer.
Rest of the day I will spend on my cauch with a nice book, coffee and my (also cold-detesting) cat DJ.

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