Bollywood Night

We had a friend come over for lunch today who we haven't seen since leaving the UK almost 8 years ago. Her and her son have been in NZ visiting family and she's spending her last few days in Auckland. It is such a glorious day that we ended up down at the beach rockpooling, digging and playing.

This evening, after having just put the finishing touches on our outfits for the Bollywood Party/Potluck dinner, there was a knock at the door. A man of Indian descent was wanting to sell us insurance. Apparently the quickest way to throw him off his stride was to be wearing outfits from his culture. He was very complimentary of our fashion (much to the girls' delight), but he struggled to stop himself from laughing and kept saying "really, you are going to an Indian party?!!!??" What a way to start the night.

He also went into the street where the party was, but ended up realising this, and did a body swerve.

There were some very inspired outfits and amazing some killer cocktails. Fabulous night!

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