Mr C Lives for a Day

By P

The Queen's Hall

It was outcome 1.

I wisnae fired. Not even close.

I went in to work. We all sat down. We all just continue business as usual.

No words of warning. No grating remark. No slap. No fight. No extended Kung Fu spectacular. Nuffink, Gov. Sod all. Nadda.

Felt like a right steaming pillock for building this up in my mind. I think, by doing so, I've finally reached the next level of drama queenery. Level 9. If it goes any higher I may have to learn to change my walk from an elegant Jimmy Stewart-style motion (?!?) to a a full on mince.

As soon as I got out of work, I left for Calton Hill, my favourite place in Edinburgh, and caught up with my thoughts. On my way home I took the above picture using my flatmate's (cheapy nasty tacky) lovely camera.

Was completely zonked when I got back so had a few slices of toast on cheese and a about three hours kip.

Some day. Thanks to those who left supportive comments over the last few days.


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