Ladies wot lunch

Debbie and Diana in the Dog & Badger this lunchtime. Yes, we wimped out on the bank holiday walk and just did the pub lunch instead. Rather glad we did as at 11:00, when we would have been 30 minutes into the walk, it rained cats and dogs.

I was woken at about 2 a.m. this morning by what sounded like someone banging a door knocker very hard and then shouting out something that I didn't quite catch, but they were clearly unhappy with someone. Being nosy worried that someone might be in a spot of bother, I peeked through the curtains to see if I could see where the noise was coming from. This is the point at which I cannot be sure whether I saw what I saw or was simply dreaming because the house diagonally opposite was lit up downstairs and I could see the silhouette of someone waving at me. Common sense tells me that this is an extremely unlikely scenario, but it was so real. Very strange.

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