Team lunch

Yesterday's recycled portrait leads to today's team lunch.

It was probably the high point of my day. After 10 years together we're coming to an end as a unit of 4 in a few weeks.

Shared lunches based around smoked salmon or trout I've caught and smoked have been a fun. There will be change, we were glad to have one last shared lunch today.

Having just chomped our way through a piece of trout we're about to start on the salmon you see here.

At home the windows are clean inside and out. Curtains are hung and the fisher/hunter kindly dug plaster out of the broadband cable thing. It worked and I have internet.

I continue to be amazed - not in a good way, by the sloppiness of tradesmen.

My carpet outcome isn't looking promising. I've been told I'm likely to end up with an insurance payout of 100s towards the 1000s it will cost to replace my carpet.

Within the EQC and Fletchers repair programme there is no system to make feral tradesmen accountable.

No surprise there but I guess I'll have to look at my options.

The next two nights will be big. Thursday night I'll be back home in my own bed.

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