CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Dancing Fuchsia

Bright, sunny day with a light breeze

A restful day for me although Eleanor has to be out and about. The week gets busier later on so I am happy just to take time to read and enjoy the peace and quiet. The grandchildren come later today - it won't be quite as quiet then!

I took the chance to photograph this beautiful fuchsia which emerged yesterday. How it does this I don't know - it is a wee bit hidden so I didn't notice the process of emerging from the bud. Having the time, I wrote a couple of verses because it reminded me so much of a ballet dancer.

Dancing Fuchsia

O, how lightly you dance, swinging in the wind
Your skirt, so beautiful, so full and so round
Graceful arms, lifted high in arcs which unwind
Your legs so delicate, as you pirouette around.

Was ever a flower so graceful and so strong
Emerging from the bell which held you tight
A miracle of creation, a beauty for all to see
Captivating and entrancing, a dancer so free.

I may not make Poet Laureate but I get a lot of pleasure weaving the words - I hope they bless you as well.

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