A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


For the vast majority of the day I have been holed away in my home office at the top of our house. At regular intervals I have looked out of the window and been struck by how much the sky in general, and the clouds in particular, have changed each time. Was so mesmerised in fact that it took me until around 5pm to think to get my camera and blip them. In the, not very long, time since this picture was taken and uploaded the sky has completely changed again. Think I just caught the tail-end of today's blue sky.

For no explicable reason I have abandoned my home office for a while in favour of working just about anywhere else. No idea why but just took against it for a while. I did wonder if it was because of the mess and fear I would feel obliged to do some 'sorting' if I were in it. Turns out not. Have happily worked in here all day today without any such urges coming over me. Guess it was just a change of scene thing. Looks like I'm back here for a while. I'll feel very bad if any coffee shops in the locality suddenly close.

Rehearsal night so off to grab some nosh before I head out. Spent a disturbing half hour earlier searching for post-mortem scars on the internet - for the play, I hasten to add. Was very disturbing. As was my book which I finished over lunch (This Charming Man, Marian Keyes). And the end of the play has so far made me cry every time I have read or heard it. Guess which bit we're working on tonight?

Oh well, at least me and my office have made up and I can look forward to another day cloud watching tomorrow.

Lesley x

btw - is it just me who responds to the question asking you to confirm the date the photo was taken with, "well, if you tell me that's the date today I'll believe you"?

EDIT - maybe should have waited an hour and used one of these, though wouldn't have been as much a reflection of my day as I'm not supposed to be here. Must. Leave. House

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