
By TynvdB

Self-Transcending of Nature

I still do remember our long afternoon walk through the Sababurg Urwald, that primeval forest we visited before on the 18th of June. As I am writing this note a few days later, many characteristics of the day have vanished into a dim background. But the promenade all around sticks very clear in my memory. It had been raining heavily, so a part of the foot track was soaked in water and mud. Only when we went uphill again alongside the high stone wall of the Sababurg enclosure, we reached dry ground again. Which was simply an easier way to walk.

As we were doing the other - and longer - way round we had to wait patiently before any of the famous Age Old Oaks&Beaches came into sight. Meanwhile I did some exercise in breathing from the Hara-centre. A kind of breathing that should envelop a deep awareness of the transitional Dance of Life&Death (Stirb und Werde” or “Die and Rebirth”). Especially amidst all these dying and rebirthing very old Tree-beings, this deep awareness gives a very healthy and refreshing feeling.

You see many miraculous forms of regrowing the new life from the old. As for instance on the photo. Heavy, too heavy branches that have grown down into the earth and from there out and up again into a new tree. This kind of Self-Transcendence of Nature is of course limited within the realm of Nature. But it might inspire you to see how a living tree is dying and rebirthing again. I do not mean to say that in spiritual matters this dance develops itself in the same way. But maybe it stands for a promise that once you are at one, unified in body and mind, nature and spirit, your soul might open up into an invisible and unknowable realm of pure Transendence, beyond birth and Death, beyond Time and Space...

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