Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

School Nights

The last day of the Summer Holiday......

I went to bed last night with the best intentions of getting up on time and before the girls. I had it all planned of getting washed and dressed before they had even stirred; full of excitement with ideas of fun things to do on our last day of the holiday's.

However, things don't always go to plan and at 3am this morning, the girls took it in turns (with what literally felt like they were playing a game of "tag you're it") to keep me awake for over an hour! And to make matters worse, their awakenings were for no apparent reason, but "hey as we're awake, we may as well go to the toilet and have a cuddle. Thanks little ladies!

As such I overslept my alarm and woke to the sound of the girls bickering in their bedroom (half an hour after they had got up - whoops).

They were very good to me and helped each other get washed and just needed help to get their clothes for the day - a fairly nice start but not the one I had planned.

We spent sometime this morning going through their book bags, PE Bags & in DM's case sorting through her pencil case. I had a moment of nostalgia whilst labelling her ruler and highlighter and remembered the way that my parents would mark my pencils for me by shaving the end of a pencil and writing my name on it. And yes, I did the same today for DM :)

We had a lovely afternoon at Fosse Meadows with friends that we haven't seen for a while. It was great to catch up and the children played together really well. Our friends bought their two dogs with them, which at first was very hard work with the smaller three of mine. After a while they warmed to their bigger dog, but the smaller dog was too excited for them to relax around.

The girls are all prepped and ready for school tomorrow. I have a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to do - this one there for that time, then she needs to be here, collect her from there and then take them to here and then collect them from there and back home again. But I'm sure they'll all have a fabulous time..... I hope :)

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