Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Are they ready for the Dixon Girls???

The girls woke up all excited this morning (as you can see in today's picture). Whilst R&P didn't start school until lunchtime, they wanted to get dressed in their school uniform first thing. After everything we did it was, "then we go to school?".

We took DM to school and then took Aj to Playschool for an hour. The Playschool teachers loved seeing R&P, especially as they were in the school uniform.

Aj's session went well, she did have a little cry half way through her session, asking for me :( But the Playschool leader "called" me and told her I would be there very soon. Her session was only an hour. She came out with a lovely picture of a butterfly that she had put stickers on and was very proud that she had used their toilet. Toilets are very important to the Dixon Girls

R&P were taken to Big School and had lunch there too. They came out of class very proudly showing us their stickers for being good girls. They played with friends but can't remember their names. Ruby told me tonight that she "loved going to be school like Daisy-May and playing with my friends".

DM had a great day in Juniors; she is sitting next to her friend who also happens to be new to the year. She's come home with homework on her first day and I have been told several times that "it must be in next Thursday".

We are struggling at the moment to get the girls to tidy up after themselves at the moment and last week created a new rule. They are given 30 minutes to tidy up before dinner time, anything that isn't put away is put in a bin bag. There is no TV, no games and no toys until the bag is empty.

The girls didn't clear away their toys yesterday and the toys were still in the bag this afternoon. They had 30 minutes wind down when they got home from school and then nasty Mummy asked them to tidy the toys away. This resulted in a meltdown from DM because she's "really tired and had a full day of working hard".

The girls eventually pulled together, tidied up and then we played a game together.

Let's see if we wake with the same enthusiasm tomorrow :)

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