Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

It's that time again...

Ha ha, day 2 of school term was definitely not like day 1!

Getting the girls up and dressed proved a little more difficult today. Penny was then main culprit, she did not want to get up and had buried her head in her pillow and refused to get out of bed.

Eventually I managed to get everyone washed and dressed and downstairs in good time.

I took DM and two of her friends to school, left my Mum sitting with Aj, R&P and then had some me time at the hairdressers.

Whilst DM, R&P where at school, the afternoon was spent chatting with my Mum and making phone calls for Twins at Totstime.

R&P had a lovely afternoon at school; already their teachers are distinguishing the differences in personalities between the two of them. Rubes is proving to have some similar characteristics to DM; likes to daydream and doesn't always focus on the task in hand. Pops get's her head down and sets to it meticulously. Apparently Rubes is making her presence known and is often reminded to use her "small voice".

When the girls got home from school, we played a couple of games together and then it began.....

I had to take a phone call, so the girls became distracted. It went from us playing a game on the floor to hitting each other and furniture with a fly squatter, rolling on each other and hurting themselves (and each other) and generally squabbling. I got off the phone to find DM standing on a high stool in the middle of the room with the fly squatter in her hand and the other three fighting at her feet.

When asked to calm down and tidy up, honestly, you would have thought that I had asked them to give up their favourite toy. DM was the worst out of all of them and decided she wanted to challenge me. This resulted in her being sent to her room.

They had an early dinner, the girls were bathed and then they went bed. All in bed, fast asleep by 6.50pm - bliss!

I had an evening of reading; whilst Peach went off out with his mate for some beers.

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