The best medicine.

A lovely afternoon and evening catching up with Sue on an endless list of topics all of which were fascinating to us and probably of no interest whatsoever to almost anyone else! Of course much of the time was spent in the garden of the Fox and Raven over leisurely lunch in totally wonderful almost autumnal sunshine that blazed down with considerable heat from a beautiful blue sky - what a change from the last few days of almost constant rain. Such a day was balm to my battered heart, as only being with enduring friends must always be. Laughter is the best medicine, especially when taken with ale !

btw Thank you to everyone who commented so kindly on my Mono Monday blip. Glad you liked the story :)

Later...Oh, just noticed that today's photo is almost identical to June 12 - taken from the car park - well it was bound to happen considering the frequency with which I patronise the place - although my world was very different then. What a difference a few weeks can make.

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