Double Shot Mummy


Orientation Day!

Oscar came to check Bailee's class out at the end of their Orientation day session at Big School today. Stu took the morning off to attend the special event and we got there from the Palm in 20 minutes :-) Oscar hid behind me at the door but soon came out of his shell. Bailee was very curious about what was going on!

The staff were very welcoming... we found the class lists and that Bailee would be in the Yellow Yachts with her British Teacher and Oscar the Purple Planes with his kiwi teacher!

We met the teachers and their teacher aids and they seemed just lovely. Bailee and Oscar went off with their classes for an hours introductory play while us parents were left to mingle and ask questions. The time went very quickly and we snuck in to collect them. Oscar was busy (Next to another Oscar), hammering away. Another parent said he had been extremely chatty to her and introduced us all to her son Oliver. He was certainly engrossed in his hammering and enjoyed telling me about the book they had all read together.

We went into the Yellow Yachts classroom and found Bailee who promptly announced that she didn't want to go home.... (After all these years, and everything we put into them she wants to stay at school!) She was fixated on beads and had been playing play dough and by the looks of things asserting her authority already! We struggled to prize her away but got there in the end.

I am feeling a bit more relaxed about them being in separate classes now (School policy!) One of the perks of twins is that you don't have to drop them off 'alone' when they start nursery/kindy. I guess different classes is a step away from that, but I am relieved Bailee in particular was so comfortable with that. She loves to be around Oscar. Oscar on the other hand likes to be around Bailee to keep an eye on her. Thank goodness they have such strong identities and are happy to make as well as share friends.

I'm also glad their classes are right across from each other and that their year will be combining for a lot of lessons.

The music teacher there is just fantastic. I cannot wait to see how they enjoy music class (Hopefully more than mummy!) They are also looking forward to swimming at school.

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