Double Shot Mummy


Dubai Dolphinarium

A rare blip not featuring one of the trio...

We haven't been before so were quite excited when Maple got an invite to Lexi's 2nd birthday at the Dolphinarium. We all got to see the show and the twins were captivated with the seals and dolphins. Maple got a bit restless towards the end but overall they had a wonderful time at the party playing in the climbing area and sharing yummy party food. It was also nice for me to catch up with a few of my Palm friends who I haven't seen for ages....

We decided on the way home to tackle Mall of the Emirates to buy Oscar and Bailee's school shoes.... it was utter chaos. We almost gave up several times but persevered in the end and have therefore made tomorrow a lot more manageable! We all had falafals and Mexican together at the mall for dinner and came home absolutely shattered.

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