Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

Feeling sparkly!!!

Well, I've got a big Hawaii 50 coming up soon and tomorrow I'm off on an amazing birthday treat with and from Joe - bless him!! So even though a very busy day - I took an hour out to get my nails 'shellacked' (I didn't go for the sparkle!) but I'm ready!!!
Tomorrow I'm off to London to meet up with Joe, then Sunday we're flying to Geneva, hiring a car and driving to Chamonix and Monday we're off up Mont Blanc I think - not walking I hasten to add! Oh my days - what a surprise of a treat - I'm sooooooo excited!!!! Joe went to Chamonix on a school trip as a teenager and always wanted to go back - and I can't wait to see what he experienced and to spend a very special few days with him. You may gasp to know that even with my Dad being in the RAF and living abroad for a big chunk of my childhood - I haven't flown since 1983!!! Excited - you what!!
Not taking my macbook abroad so will be iPhone blipping - if I can. Please forgive my lack of comments and replies over the next 5 days - but I'll be flying high!!!! :))

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