
I think my presentation today was successful. It's actually a little hard to tell. I didn't quite get the unreserved affirmation I was perhaps too optimistically hoping for, but the basic concept was accepted and I think the team got it, so to speak. This, I should clarify, was an internal affair, which in a way added to the pressure. My colleagues have strong opinions and would not have hesitated in telling me the truth if I'd got ahead of myself with what is a radical departure from our existing interface.

The design of our current software is now over ten years old and I guess I can take pride in the fact that it's still holding its own today - although only just. It started off as a research project, employing novel techniques that I came up with myself, which are now being used everywhere. The hard truth is that it's beginning to show its age. Where we were once state of the art we are now simply run of the mill. We've been too busy trying to stay afloat to keep up with all the latest innovations in both hard and soft technology.

That clearly has to change and today marked a significant milestone in paving a new way forward. The advantage for me this time around is that I can now design without having to worry about the technical difficulties of implementation. That will be for others to do. And because I know that virtually anything is possible I won't settle for compromises and short-cuts. I have a vision and I'm determined to realise it. I'm actually quite excited about sitting down and either rebutting some of today's constructive criticism or improving parts of the design as a result of it.

It was raining in the morning walking to work and although there was a bit of sun during the day it was raining again by the time I got out into town late afternoon. That put paid to any lamppost climbing. The market had pretty much shut down and people were waiting for buses to take them home. I enjoyed watching this mum with her two kids. Children at play are such a big part of street life that when I come across a scene like this it seems sad not to feel able to record it or share it out of respect for the prevailing sensibility around children in today's world. So I'm disrespecting it.

I'm sure there is a fun title here around biting the heads off gingerbread men and stamping on the heads of cabbages, but I'm too tired to engage my brain at this late hour. It's been a very long week.

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