An Artist's Life

By MariB

County Fair

The Ravalli County Fair is in full swing now. I took a bunch of fotos of food booths (beeth?), twirling ferris wheels, grizzled carnies, etc., but chose this one to symbolize the first purpose of county fairs...the farm & ranch kids showing their stock. These kids buy a piglet, lamb or calf and hand-raise it, train it and groom it to be the finest, fittest and highest quality example of each breed. This is the culmination of their year's responsibility and dedication to their animal. Some are shown to sell and some keep their animal. Their reward? Just a colorful rosette or enough money to help with the expense of the animals feed and supplies. These are kids who will grow up being wonderful stewards of the land and successful in life. This little girl says all that as she lovingly washes and grooms her giant hog for the show-ring. I wish her luck.

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