Sorry this didn't appear yesterday - too tired last evening.

Took Phoebe out for a run over the fields in the morning even though the sky looked heavy with rain. I was feeling brave. But little Phoebe clearly wasn't. She had never seen a hay bale up close before, and as the farmer had cropped the whatever, barley I think, one was right next to the verge. She refused to walk passed it, instead barking at it furiously. After what seemed an age and much hesitancy, she ran full pelt. I did laugh, and although I took photos, none did the incident justice.

This huge Thistle was growing a bit further on the path and I just had to bring it to you. Have never seen a head so big.

We also saw a herd of cows, mums with calfs who were suckling. Took photos of that too but thought it might put you off your breakfast. Mr Bull was sat there also, looking suitably non-plused about the whole scene.

Sorry rushing today. Hair to wash, music equipment to check finally etc. and gearing up for this afternoons event, hoping for no rain!!!

Hope you all enjoy the weekend. Sending hugs ~~~~~

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