Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

She'll be Apples!

We decided to trundle into town late this afternoon to stock up on a few essentials. It was good to get out of the house for a short while.

Sam the "Apple Man" has been hard at work and I was delighted to see that he has been planting his delivery of two year old apple trees. If you look closely in LARGE you will see there are dozens of them in the rows.

I had a lovely chat to Sam a few days ago, just before being sidelined by the Flu. He was telling me how he had a delivery coming of 2 year old apple trees and was very excited at the prospect of getting them into the ground. He is then going to net them.

He has put so much work into the orchard since he purchased it and it's just so wonderful to think that the tradition of Loganbrae Apples is in such good hands.

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