Capital adventures

By marchmont


Swam this morning which gave me loads of thinking time. then to Straiton for light bulbs and a wee bit food. Home for a bacon roll or 2 then I took the folks to Peebles.

I should have predicted that lunch out would be on offer. I couldn't face anything big and the Tontine couldn't provide me a salmon salad so I had water. Probably better for me.

After a bit of present shopping we then sat down beside the Tweed on the sun. It was lovely, warm and sunny.

Came home via Tesco Penicuik and now an evening in, with salmon salad.

#2 son is out, #3 son is off to see fireworks and hear music remotely. I may go to my bedroom and see what I can see from there.

Merdeka Day in KL and still no baby.

PS - the Pentlands are now 'YES' with 3 big letters on Caerketton.

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