Well we finally had the Longrun BBQ and the sun came out to play. This is a shot of some of the residents enjoying the sunshine.

Because our Adrian doesn't like the hot sun, he is sitting under the tree in the shade. He coped very well, but we had to watch our drinks as he has a habit of swiping them before you can say anything, it's gone.

You can just see Matthew sitting with some of the residents enjoying a glass of lager. Despite the wind trying to steal our music sheets and take the sound away from the fold back monitors, we won through and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Steve, the Care Director cooked the food personally and it was delicious, even having enough left over for when we had finished performing.

It took 2 hours to set everything up and about 1 hour to dismantle. Then of course we have to put it all away once we return home. Poor Mr A is suffering with back ache and will soon be heading off to bed.

It was a good way to finish August and we are all hoping for a good September.

Thankyou for all the kind comments on yesterday's cricket match. I hope you have all enjoyed some sunshine today wherever you are and that the coming week, the first one into September, will be kind to you. Sending hugs ~~~~~ xx

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