
Wonderful morning walk with Juno, not many dogs but the colours were superb. The air felt so clean and cold. Deep blues to the west and reds to the east.

Work was hectic trying to get everything finished for my holiday.

Met Scobes and TFP for a cup of tea and a chat. I exchanged goods with Scobes, who needs money. Great banter and we should do it again (I forgot the Am Bratach) in a place that refills teapots with hot water for nothing.

Holiday haircut, mums pressie bought, some summer clothes bought, email to boss and then home.

Dog is away to the dog walker for the week, a strangely quiet house tonight, up early for the flights tomorrow.

This is view east of Blackford Hill, using the trig point as a tripod. Hope to keep blipping but may have to back blip.

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