Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

We're back!

My new soundtrack to my everyday life is Best Day of My Life by American Authors.

I absolutely love the song and it always puts me in the best of moods.

We had our first session back as Twins at Totstime in our new venue and it was fantastic!

I am very fortunate to have the family and friends that I have in my life. The families that we have attend our sessions are amazing. I had so many offers of support and help with our new venue and providing toys, that at one point in the session, I felt completely overwhelmed.

The new venue is smaller, however, as today showed, size definitely does not matter. Our group is what it is because of the people who are in it.

Thank you Twins at Totstime Volunteers and Families - You Rock!!

R&P had a great afternoon session at school, whilst Aj & I had an lovely afternoon at my Mum's.

My Mum is quite poorly at the moment and has been for over 9 months. Due to her ill health, she's on a combination of medication and one side effect is shaky hands. To help calm her shakes, she's crocheting. Mum has made the girls and others some beautiful Poncho's and matching bags. My photo today is her latest creations. DM is very proudly showing of her new bag, Poncho (with a frilly neckline) and matching hat (with a flower). DM was so chuffed that she wanted to wear them all to singing and Brownies.

Driving DM to singing, I had all four girls with me. By the time I got home (25 minute round trip), all three little ones were fast asleep. Cue full on meltdown when evil nasty Mummy woke them up to get out of the car - oh my word! Such a performance from three little beings. Fortunately a combination of Daddy being home and Timmy Time on the television helped to ease the dramatics.

It is safe to say that when they all went to bed tonight, we didn't hear a peep from any of them. Bless, my little cherubs ;)

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