Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

The old oak tree

Another fabulous day :)

Today didn't have the best of starts; DM, R&P decided to empty their puzzle box over the floor of their dressing room and "couldn't" tidy it up. In the end, me, Peach & Aj got washed, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast, leaving the girls to it. We could have stayed their getting cross with them for not clearing up and continuing to play, but after being asked for the fourth time to clear up, they just didn't have the motivation to do it.

After we'd finished breakfast, Peach went off to get parts for the Mumbus and the girls were mortified that they couldn't go with him. However, it only took them 5 minutes to clear up the mess from that moment!

We had a visit from Severn Trent as our drains we're blocked. The helpful men kindly removed the tub full of stones the girls had put down the drain :( Fortunately the only cost was a cuppa and an apology from the girlies - phew!

Daisy-May spent the morning doing her homework; which was to create a new cover for her homework book. She chose to use the computer and type all about herself.

Aj, R&P played outside in the garden and them inside being doctors to their Furby's. It was fantastic listening to them playing so nicely and giggling so much.

Whilst all this was going on, I was ironing (no change there then) and Peach was replacing the brakes on the Mumbus.

We had a wonderful afternoon at Burbage Common with our great friends. We found a fantastic Oak Tree for the girls to climb. Lots of fun was had by the children of all ages ;)

The day was topped off with a beautiful Sunday roast made by Peach for the whole family to enjoy.

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