MonoMonday Relaxation... NOT

This is me at 5 am this morning. I could not sleep. I got up because things have been going really badly this weekend with our family situation. I was feeling frustrated, sad, down, upset and generally nasty.

I went into the living room and lay down on the couch, my favorite nap space. We have several night lights in the living-dining-kitchen of our house and they were throwing interesting shadows on the ceiling. I noticed them.

So here is where things shifted and it's all your fault... well Blip's fault and you are all part of Blip. I got up and put my wide angle lens on my camera, lay back down and did a couple of long exposures of the ceiling shadows. Then I thought about getting a flashlight and taking some ghostly images of me in my nightgown. I played around until I got a method in place. Keep the flashlight in my fist and let the light leak through my fingers causing a strange reddish glow. The original of this has that glow. In mono the picture still has the ghostly effect I was trying for. And it is suitably dark as my mood was dark.

So here I am creating something whacky and different, but certainly not relaxed. The problem did not go away and today was just as bad, maybe worse. We are all struggling through. Just so you know. It isn't about my health except for the stress. We have a new plan this evening and I am hopeful. But I am still really tired and stressed. I don't usually share these feeling here but today I thought I would. Others do it and I respect their willingness to bare their souls when under duress. So here I am. I have hope but also fear that the problem we are working on my not get fixed. I really hope it does. Soon. Because I am getting really worn out.

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