Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Silly Kids....Part 2

My two year old daughter:

Today was the last day of dance class. The first day was blipped several weeks ago and she loved it! It was such a magical experience for her. Unfortunately that magical experience was a one time thing. Every week after, my darling little girl (who at this point was refusing to wear her tutu), refused to dance. As the kids, parents, and myself danced around in a large circle leaping, jumping, and flapping our arms.....she stood in the middle and cried. And she cried and then cried some more. By chance, her little doll made it to the last day of dance class today. The three of us (my little girl, me, and the doll) all decided that there wouldn't be any crying today because "be-be" (baby) was going to dance with us. Well let me tell you this, little be-be was the star of the show. My daughter insisted that we each hold one of be-be's hands. So there we were, dancing around the room......the three of us holding hands. If I let go of be-be's hand for just a second, my daughter would stop dancing and insist, "HAND". Oops, back to holding be-be's hand again. My daughter had a wonderful time at dance class today. It's just too bad that today was the last day!

(I never thought that I would ever blip be-be.....but because she saved the day and actually made the last day of dance a happy and positive experience, I felt that she deserved the lime light today. So blippers, let me personally introduce you to be-be.)

My four year old son:

Today was my son's Valentine's Day party. He worked really hard on his homemade Valentine's. Each Valentine was filled with stickers of cars, monster trucks, and sports figures and on the inside was his hand written name. This activity could have gone two ways. He was either going to get tired after five Valentine's or he was going to love the activity and happily finish the project. Yay, he loved it and I didn't even have to get out the m&m's for a little bit of teeny tiny bribing. When we arrived at his school after dance class to pick him up, he came walking out of his room with his collected Valentine cards and also with a handcrafted "Happy Birthday Crown" decorated with special stickers. I asked him what the crown was for and he happily replied, "For my birthday Mom". And I said, "But you already had your birthday a while ago". His teacher overheard us and started laughing. She said, "Oh my gosh, I totally forgot....his birthday a while ago". She said that when she asked the class if anyone had a birthday today, his hand was the only one to go up. She said that he was so excited about it, she didn't even bother to check. Oh my funny funny little boy. We laughed and laughed at this as my son walked out of the preschool wearing his "Happy Birthday Crown".

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