
By Maatje92

Meeting the other Erasmus students

Today I met all the other Erasmus students. At eleven o’clock the Erasmus students met at the freedom statue for a tour through old Riga that the business school organised. Because it was the first official day of school there were a lot of students who put flowers at the freedom statue, which is tradition here (apparently). The tour took approximately an hour and a half. After this, we had some free time to walk around the city and do something on our own. We decided to go and drink coffee with almost all the students. It was nice to meet new people and get to know each other a little.

At half past two we took the bus to the business school, we had to be there at three for the official welcome. We were welcomed in the conference hall by the Erasmus coordinator and some professors. After the speeches we got a tour through the school and pictures were taken for our student cards. Then we were free to go and I met with my buddy. We bought ice-hockey tickets for next Saturday (it will be my first game ever) and I am looking forward to it. We also went to the supermarket to pick up some salads, snacks and drinks. We ate the salads at my apartment and my buddy went home to change, because went out tonight. She returned at nine with her friend and we chatted until a half past eleven. Then we took the bus to the old town. We met up with a few Erasmus students and we went partying.

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