
By Maatje92

Meeting my buddy

Today I slept in a little, I awoke at ten o'clock in the morning. I went and made my morning-coffee and ate some breakfast. I would meet my buddy at one in the afternoon. So I had plenty of time left to check my schedule for the coming week, doing my nails and dressing up.
I left my apartment at five minutes before one, because my buddy lives three minutes away from my apartment. We met at the Rimi (the supermarket that is in the middle of our homes). We introduced ourselves and she told me she forgot her coat. So we went and picked it up at her dorm. She lives in dorms on the eighth floor of the school I will go to, so I already had a look inside the school.
After this, we decided to go to the old city and have a drink and something to eat there. We didn't take the bus, but we decided to go on foot because the weather was nice. The walk to the city took us approximately half an hour. My buddy told me she wanted to take me to a restaurant, but when we arrived it was closed. So we had lunch somewhere else. We talked quite a lot, which was nice. When we where finished eating and talking at the restaurant we walked back to my apartment and had some tea together. We talked a little more and around six o'clock my buddy had to go, because she had an appointment.
After this I started making my dinner, which was a salmon salad. I added some dressing to the salad (I bought it but I couldn't read the package, because it was only in Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian) and it was (surprisingly) nice.
I also had to hand in my water usage today, but I didn't know how. I asked my neighbor and she kindly helped me with it. Lucky me.

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