
By katgirl

Birthday Muffin Search

Today is Bob's actual birthday (number 9). He wanted to celebrate at school but the teacher was not keen on cupcakes with frosting (frosting gets all over the kids and the classroom & there is the sugar rush to deal with). So Bob had the excellent idea of bringing muffins for a morning snack.

Normally, I would have made the muffins for the class after finding out what food allergies we needed to address. But a county law requires that all food brought into schools be store bought, presumably because the ingredients will be listed.

Little did I know that finding enough muffins for the class (Without Nuts) would require stops at 4 grocery stores. This parking lot pictured here was the nicest store. The same store exists closer to our neighborhood, but it is rather tired and there certainly isn't any shaded parking. But this store is located 8 miles away in Scottsdale. Apparently, the wealthy suburbanites deserve shaded cars more than the rest of us. And their store was gorgeous. But I still had to make 1 more stop before I had enough nut-free muffins.

After school, I took Bob and a friend to a Minecraft program at the library. They talked about his birthday party the whole way in the car. It made me so happy to know the boys had a good time.

Unfortunately, as the afternoon wore on, my stomach started to feel terrible. By evening, I was in bed - which was pretty much where I stayed except for the bathroom or the infusion center at the hospital for the next week. I was so glad that Bob had a good party the day before and the men had plenty of leftovers to eat while I was out of commission.

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