A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


"I'm all packed mom. I have everything. Don't open my case. Don't look in Elmer. I've packed everything I need."

And do you know what, I very nearly took her at her word. Imagine such a thing. Arriving in rainy Spain for a long weekend, opening the suitcase and finding:

- 3 socks, none matching
- 1 sticker book
- 1 pair of pants
- 1 swimming towel
- 1 toy mobile phone

Fortunately, something (reality? sense?) kicked in and I thought I'd just check, sort of feeling a little bad for checking up on her. But you know, she is 4.

Oh goodness, totally thrown off track by hearing the end of the Archers as I type. So beautifully done but still so so sad. Poor Gill. Norman Painter RIP.

Er, where was I? Oh yes, we're off to Spain in the morning for four days but don't expect sunny shots as the rain in Spain is mainly falling exactly where we're going apparently. Oh well, it will be warmer and fun to find some different things to do. And I'm not taking the laptop so will be an iPhone few days.

Hope everyone has a good weekend - whether the comfort of the same, or the adventure of the new, enjoy.

Lesley x

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