
By Memories4Me

Feeding Frenzy on the Autumn Joy!

Dear Diary,

The blossoms of the Autumn Joy sedum are positively swarming with bees! Besides the lovely fall color, I would plant these wonderful flowers for the bees alone.

The bees are not all that easy to photograph since they move so quickly. They must sense the cooler weather and the change that is happening to their world. "No time to loose", I can hear them say.

Having been a teacher or a student for over 50 years, I've always thought of September as the start of the new year. It is quite strange to see it now as just the ninth month. Time moves much slower now for me and I am able to fully appreciate the subtleties of the landscape in a way I never have. It is a gift I am thankful for every single day.

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
― Albert Camus

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