Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Test shot

This was a technical exercise - it has no image merits so I hope you forgive me.

I thought is wise in advance of trekking a hundred miles in order to get the image for the monster image I've been asked to get, that I try the process of capturing a suitably large example, especially as I won't have my favourite lens back from repair.

This image ia a 12 shot pano using my 50mm prime lens in portrait mode.
The resulting images were then stitched in photoshop. At native resolution this gave a final file of 5.5k pixels high and 27k pixels wide after a small crop. Big in its own right, but I've no idea what that would look like printed up at 10m x 2m. I suspect that this will print directly at a low resolution and still look good a reasonable viewing distance. Is that good enough? I don't know and we won't have much time to throw files back and forth.

This might be overkill, but, to get a photo quality result, I thought at 200 pixels/inch at the required size will give an unbelievable image. That creates a 2GByte file size.

Its taken two hours processing and tinkering to get a result, but, amazingly, my laptop coped. Taking the 12 images was the easy bit!

Now, all I need is 12 images of the Yorkshire landscape. All before Tuesday. I only have Monday free. No pressure then :-)

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