Maybe I'm A-maize-d

I think our senior statesmen should be made to go out and mow the grass before they make important decisions. There's something about that time you're walking up and down with the mower that your mind is in neutral and open to new ideas. I know I frequently have a different viewpoint on something by the time I put the mower away. Ride-ons arent allowed, it's got to be flymo or a push along or something like that. Backwards and forwards, left turn, right turn.

It's our Village Show this weekend. I've entered a couple of images in the Photography section. I've been boycotting it for the last couple of years because I was so disgusted/ amazed by the judging decisions.

Today's blip is the only sort of crop I haven't photographed this season. It's not the most photogenic of crops though and although there are some nice big corn cobs, they're down low and covered in that wrap they have over them. Used as part of the landscape, of course, this doesn't matter and I think it makes a fair shot, especially with those little birds in a line, so do look large.

Friday, hope you're set up for a good weekend.


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