The Knight Bus

"I'm expecting miracles," I told the consultant today. He laughed and said, "No problem and I'll give you a ten year guarantee." I don't think he realised, I really am expecting miracles. I want to be a able to cycle, walk and swim without it hurting and more than anything I want to sleep through the night without pain in my knee waking me up. "Sleep!" he said, "You don't want much do you ha ha ha." There are many things I want and they all involve a fully functioning, pain free knee!!! Well, I have the date now and so I can start planning....because I really, really am expecting miracles!

I went into town for a little photo jaunt with Kath this evening. It was only a little jaunt too because we went for a chinese first. I wish I'd had my camera out when the Dim Sum arrived and Kath spotted the deep fried squid....hilarious!

I ate too much and could only waddle to Piccadilly Gardens to take some pics of the trams and buses in the half light. It was such a great evening....laughing, eating, chatting and taking pics.

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