A Write Off?

It was the writing group this morning. Had I written anything? Well we all know the answer to that. I was up early and I did have an idea for something...based on my holiday, so I set to work scribbling away. I didn't finish it, but it was enough to start with.

The sun was shining. I put on my shades. I had music in my ears. I walked down to the library.

The group waffled on about inconsequentials and so before I knew it the time had come for me to leave and go to the teashop. No-one had read out anything, no-one had heard what I'd done. Oh well, I will finish it for next week I suppose.

The teashop was busy. It was really busy. My legs are aching. They are really aching.

I found this skeleton leaf at Bramhall Hall yesterday.

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