Year 2, Day 230 - Camouflage

It was lovely morning so I headed up to North Third to walk Aonghus, armed with the macro lens! Got a couple of really good shots. Another blipper asked me at camera club on Wednesday if the reservoir had been filled up again (it was being worked on and had been almost empty for a while) but I didn't know so decided to head up there and find out - and it has.

I found this shield bug on the way up and my dodgy knee, which was getting better, is now well and truly gubbed!!!! I knelt down (on the dodgy knee of course!) to get some shots and as I moved in closer, I turned my knee slightly and something in my knee moved. I was stuck - couldn't get up. I thought I had dislocated something!!! I tried to move about to free my knee up but it didn't work!

So, since I was alone, I thought 'I can't stay here all day', took a deep breath, went for it and got up. I have quite a high pain threshold but the pain was excruciating as something felt like it was being torn!!! Probably wasn't the best idea but I couldn't stay like that in the hope someone would come along! Struggled to put weight on it but kept walking anyway (had to get home somehow...) and it soon eased up. I think walking on it probably helped and it's not too swollen but I will rest it for the remainder of the day! Got the knee support on, Ibuprofen and Solpadeine taken and now icing it! It's definitely not right and feels very weak so I'm going to have to find a sport's physio to try and get it sorted out once and for all!!!

And to top it all off, after I got up, I thought it was best to walk back down the forestry road rather than the uneven woodland path and Aonghus is now covered in a variety of sticky willows and other clingy type burr things - going to have to cut some of it out I think! :(

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