Year 2, Day 231 - Comicon

Dale was sooooooo excited today because we went to Comicon! The main reason she was so excited though was because Andrew Lee Potts was signing autographs... For those who don't know who he is, he was a main character in a TV series called Primeval...

Anyway, I was more interested in James Cosmo, a very fine actor who was signing in the seat next to him. However, you had to pay £15 for an autograph (rip off!!!!!) and if you paid your money you got to take a photograph too. I managed to sneak a shot of Mr Cosmo undetected!

It wasn't what I expected and I had had enough after a couple of hours... but managed to last 4 and a half hours!!! Dale would have stayed to the end... Some interesting characters...

Highlight of the day had to be Robot Wars!

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