horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


There was a moment when I woke that i thought, ah, I'm over the worst of this. Standing in the shower I had to revise that opinion, and had to cancel another engagement (see yesterday's blip), this time taking some photos of a friend's greyhounds again. For which I was going to be paid.

While that was postponed till next weekend, with my brother having stopped off for the night on his way to Aberdeen from Coldstream, I was determined not to be laid out for the day - and so a trip to the Farmers Market, and then a flooring place where we finally ordered some new cover for the house floors, completely flattened me.

I'm never normally ill (though remember, this is merely man-flu, as I will be told when I return to work on Monday), so going back to bed in the middle of the day is unusual enough. Winding up asleep within 5 minutes even more so.

The rest of the day has been spent in sport - watching the Newcastle match against Cardiff at the same time as Scotland managing to plan a glorious loss against Wales in the rugby, with Ireland playing France (poorly) in the background right now. And blowing my nose. Lemsips have been taken; hot toddies made and savoured; but really I could just do with a new head...

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