youngies journey

By youngie66

The Steamin Jacobite

Well that title could have two meanings one being that the Black Five steam engine running as the Jacobite over the Fort William to Mallaig line or the fact Scotlands most famous Jacobite Bonnie Prince Charlie had an alcohol problem later in life lol I did a tour of the Vatican a few years back and found out Charlie was buried in the crypt of St Peters Basillica in the Vatican along with his father the Old Pretender and his brother Cardinal York and his mother and Charlies Heart stayed in an urn in his original burial place of the Cathederal of Frascati, he lived a rather tangled life as well anyway this was my shot of the Jacobite steam special as it arrived at Glenfinnan as it was the passing point for both our trains onto the single line sections working under the RETB signalling system or Radio Electric Token Block to all you no railway buffs, as I headed back home after my jaunt over the Kyle and Mallaig lines a must for any traveller as they are the two most scenic lines in Scotland and well worth traveling over, anyway, I'm out of time and heading to bed now so movie for the day is "The Young Jacobites 1960" See Ya

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