Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Sunday Afternoon......

Blip Drive!!

With the threat of "Cabin Fever" about to set in and no Blip for today, we headed off out to Mount Blackheath to see what we could capture.

I passed on the geese chomping away on the grass at "Cliff View" and then was very tempted to take a shot of the kangaroos grazing amongst the apple trees, even a baby kangaroo didn't really peak my interest.....oh, well let's keep driving. And there they were - two white beauties, these wonderful horses were waiting at the gate for me, in fact I think they may have thought we were the catering wagon. They stood very happily and obligingly while I took some images and then as we slowly drove away they started to follow us along the fence line. Now I was very upset that I hadn't brought a couple of carrots with me, it should have been the least I could do for helping me out of a "Blip Hole".

We are slowly coming good, but really it is a question of slowly, slowly. CCN is now much worse than me and we seem to be taking turns at looking after each other. It was nice to just drive out in the bush for half an hour with the window down breathing in the beautiful fresh air. Now we're back home and ready for another dose of Curt's Powerful Lemon Brew.

I can only apologise at my lack of commenting over the past few days. I'm only just starting to feel a little bit like my old self. Don't worry though, I'll be back with a vengeance soon with lots of hearts and stars!!

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