Gitama's World

By Gitama

Day 7 Go Pro..The Proud Tulip Grower.

I behaved......and I have to say I do not recommend drinking 3 vodka and apple did absolutely nothing (besides taste lovely) and I woke with a headache.......jeez!...... I reckon if your gonna get a hangover it has to be worth it by having to relive some cringe worthy notoriety...but there you go ......nothing.......sigh!

I wasn't going to post this today..its so late and Im just off to bed...but I looked at it again just as I was putting my machines to sleep (and myself) and I quite liked it here we are. Feeling a bit scratchy.....I can hardly believe that once ...every weekend it was a done deal to have a hangover.

Being Jaiyas actual birthday ...Fathers day and Ma and Pa's anniversary it turned out to be a big and lovely day with a visit and a lunch with Ma and Pa and more cake. No vodka though.

Dont stress about your eyesight failing
as you get older it's natures way of
protecting you from shock as you
walk past the mirror.


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