
What a crap night
Sorry, but no other word for it.
Wom woke around midnight, had milk, back to sleep.
Woke again at three, more milk needed.
Daddy then leapt out of bed saying Charlotte was in the bathroom playing with the taps! I managed to persuade him she wasn't and he got back into bed and was soon asleep. I asked him this morning if he remembered this, he recalls talking to me about Charlotte and taps but not being out of bed. I could then not settle for ages and ages. Ended up with Wom on my tummy in our bed where we dozed until Charlotte stirred at silly o clock. Wom into bednest, mummy into charlottes bed!

Daddy took them both downstairs quite early to give me some peace to sort milk - milk not flowing anywhere near as much as it was..... Stress!

Played at home this morning, I had an hour sleep once daddy got home from shooting. Went to feed the ducks, listen to the band, eat icecreams, quick stop off at piggy pub and then home for bath bed etc.

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