Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Malvern: Busfest 2014

I love the concept of the modern festival. I mean, anyone can have one these days as long as you have a show ground or a big enough field for a few portaloos, cafes and various huge enough flags.

The VW fest at the Malvern show ground is no exception. There are lots of people with one passion. Their Vans. I always like the think that festival was designed too for travellers. By concept it originally was I suppose with a few rocking up in the 60's at Pilton, Glastonbury. Its just lovely then, by comparison to meet traveller Pete. He lives and works from his VW van. A cartoonist by trade, his van is his canvas, a beautiful mix of steampunk versus rustic beauty. His dog Spike, nestles onto in a rope spiral basket. Meanwhile Pete sunbathes on a deck chair nearly crafted to the turfed roof of the van.

Not as crazy as it seems. A living wagon, by concept and design. Clever Pete.

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