Breakfast of Champions

I've been worrying that the tiny crab spider on the bright pink echinacea wasn't catching any food, despite the dark pink stripes on the sides of its abdomen, mimicking the color of the petals.

When I went out for my usual post-breakfast visit with the spider, it was clear that my worries were over, as it was daintily munching on an earwig. Tired of my camera hovering over its bounty, the spider dragged the earwig under a petal and continued its meal in peace.

I intended to plant this echinacea in the garden today, along with two new yellow ones, as the weather is cool and overcast, perfect for setting plants out, but I think I'd miss my spider visits too much! (Yes, I know that's a little weird, but I've really enjoyed watching this tiny creature.)

If you're as fascinated by arthropods (animals with hard external skeletons and jointed limbs) as I am, don't miss Mollyblob's brilliant blip today!

(Thanks so much for the hearts and stars for Saturday's bright-eyed little girl, taking her to the Spotlight! And check out Phil's blip of CelloNerd yesterday, on the other side of the camera... hers was being used to film the event.)

Blip 1031

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