Valentine's Day

I couldn't get a fireworks heart blip for Valentine's Day as I thought I might, so I was resigned to maybe catching a sweet couple some time in my travels today. I went to uy a bus ticket to my next city (Fuzhou) and on the way back I stopped and walked on a mountain for a few hours. It was only a few km form the hostel, so I decided to walk back. Along the way, I came across this 'place'. How could I NOT blip the Happy Love Vale on Valentine's Day. I didn;t go in.. I was too scared of what may be inside.

Chinese New Year was very, very tame here. In Harbin and Shenyang, there are fireworks all day and the whole city goes up at midnight.. Fireworks are banned here.. Waaaaaa.

The weather is still crappy but I am making the most of it. LOts of walking and relaxing.. Lots of pics too.

EDIT: I just realised this is my 800th Blip. Cool. Who'd have thunk it?

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